"I love you, KC. |
Every last week in May, we load up the suburban with golf clubs, luggage, three kids, two dogs and at least one box of Avon and hit the road to Michigan for the summer. 2011 was going to be different because we had just adopted Frank, so we would be traveling with three dogs instead of two. Lilly and Daisy are old pros (other than Lilly gets car sick) and are excellent travelers so we were a little apprehensive about how Frank was going to travel. Turns out, we had nothing to worry about, as long as he was next to KC, he was just fine. Of course, after 34 hours of traveling, the adoration got a little annoying.
Damn you, chipmunks! |
Frank spent most of the summer being tormented by the squirrels and chipmunks in our yard because he couldn't figure out how to get down those damn deck stairs to catch them! He would sit as still as he could and watch their every tormenting move. It soon came time for KC to leave to go back to Arizona for a few weeks for work and Frank turned into the naughty demon dog from hell. He would piddle in the house while looking right at me and then growl at me when I scolded him. When KC came back he turned into the angel dog again so I was accused of making things up when I would tell him what a stinker his little prince was while he was gone.
Lil Bit |
We sadly closed up the house and returned to Arizona just in time for school to start in the beginning of August. I touched base with APR to let them know I was back and ready to foster and came home with a furry cock-a-poo girl named Lil Bit. I know, I know, I wasn't crazy about the name either. APR got her when her owner, who had had dementia, passed away, so it was the name she came with. (Her future family would end up renaming her Sophie, a much better fit, in my opinion.) Lil Bit was large and in charge and poor Frank didn't know what to make of it. Fortunately, Lilly and Daisy are old and grumpy so nobody messes with them or face their wrath so Lil Bit soon learned to stay clear. She had only been with us one short week before her forever family sent an email inquiring about her. After we communicated back and forth, it was decided they would go on a trip they had planned in two weeks and then travel to Tucson from their home in Phoenix to meet her. Unfortunately, in those two weeks she charmed us all and I began creating different scenarios in my head about why she wasn't going to work out with her new family; they wouldn't know that although she barked at strangers, she wasn't really mean, or that she only liked to snuggle on the couch for a little while before wanting to get down, or that when she paced back and forth at the kitchen counter and then sat patiently it meant she was waiting for a treat. Of course, those thoughts were ridiculous but I was convinced I was sending her to live with a crotchety, retired couple who were going to think she barked too much and end up tying her up outside all day. Fortunately, I never voiced these doubts out loud but I felt them in the pit of my stomach when we were driving to meet her potential new family. We walked into Petsmart at the arranged time and when her new mom saw her trotting towards her, she exclaimed, "Oh, is that my dog?!" and immediately started crying tears of joy. She hugged her and told her how pretty she was. They carried her around the store in a cart and bought her all sorts of new things; collar, leash, bed, toys, treats, you name it. They talked to the professionals at the store about proper nutrition and grooming. They were going to spoil her rotten! I was so happy for her and a little ashamed of myself for worrying. Admittedly, her leaving was bittersweet. Knowing this adorable little creature was going to be given a second chance and I got to play a part in it was an incredible feeling but I was going to miss her. I cried a little when they walked out and she looked back at me but I knew she was going where she belonged and that now another dog would be able to get a second chance.
Pepper and his pal, Zippy |
The next one that got another chance is asleep right now on my bed. He stayed too long and there was just no way I could part with him, or his partner in crime.
More on that next time.
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