Sunday, March 18, 2012

Ditch Digger with Traveling Pants?

The grading quarter ended Friday so all my children have been in a mad dash to tie up loose ends in their schoolwork to try to raise any grades they can.  Middle Kid, oh Middle Kid... he decided he would start reading his book last weekend for his book report due the following Wednesday, buuuuttttt, he hadn't gotten a book from the library yet - he thought that would buy him another day of freedom from having to start it.  I looked at his list of approved books and realized I owned several of the titles, including  Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, a favorite of mine (the second and third books of the series, not so much).
"Here."  I handed MK the Sisterhood book.
"Mom.  Really?  No."
"It's an easy read.  You don't have time anymore.  Sorry."
"You have Treasure Island, I'd rather read that."
"You read the first chapter of Treasure Island, then come talk to me about it and we'll see."
He read the first chapter and, while he said he liked it, realized it wasn't going to be read in a week's time.  Traveling Pants it is.

When will I learn?  He didn't freakin' read the book.  He went to Spark's Notes and got the gist of the book and then proceeded to b.s. his way through his report.  He didn't even have the sense to watch the darn movie.  Middle Kid, Ditch Digger, Extraordinaire.  Or maybe not.  Maybe he learned more from his ability to bullshit than he would have ever learned from the book.  Middle Kid, politician.  Ugh, no.  I think I'd rather have him dig ditches.  Let's try this again, Middle Kid, Salesman of the Year.  Mmmmm, can't really see it.  Middle Kid, Typical Teenager So Quit With the Worrying, Mom.  Yeah, that sounds right.

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