Thursday, February 26, 2015

"I wanna tell her that I love her, but the point is probably moot."

I'm very fortunate to have friends of different ages.  They each make my life richer and diverse and for that I am so grateful.  But there's something to be said for friends of your generation.

Rick Springfield is coming to Fox Theatre for an "intimate concert," which just translates to that's the biggest venue he can fill anymore.  I don't care, his was the very first concert I went to (I think I was ten) and I've seen him several more times throughout the years and I'm going again - and I'm dragging KC with me.  I start to think of what friends of ours might be interested in going with us and I start imaging how different phone calls with different friends might go.

Our much younger friends:

"Hey!  Rick Springfield is going to be in concert on April 9th; do you guys want to go with us!?"

"Rick Springfield.  You know, Jessie's GirlI've Done Everything For You.  Dr. Noah Drake...."

"Yeah, he's probably on Spotify.  Seriously, you've never even heard Jessie's Girl?!?  Didn't you ever watch General Hospital when you were younger?"

"I don't know, like 1982."

"The year you were born?  I see."

"Well yes, $90 is a lot of money for someone you've never heard of."

Our much older friends:

"Hey!  Do you remember Rick Springfield?"

"Well yes, I liked his music.  That's why I was calling - to see if you wanted to go to see him in concert."

"You're right.  Very different from Led Zepplin."

"Well, he kind of looks like Eric Clapton...."

"Yes, $90 is a lot of money to pay, even when you like the music, so I understand."

My generational friends:

"Hey!  Rick Springfield is going to be in concert on-"

"Yes, really!  April-"

"I know.  I had such a huge crush too.  Remember rushing to my house after school so we could watch General Hospital?"

"I know, Dr. Noah Drake!"

"Remember when we were in high school and he did that concert at the farm over off of 5-Mile Road?"

"Yes, Corey Hart was his opening act!  I forgot about that!"

"Anyway, April 9th.  I think he's aged really well."

"Only $90!"

"It's a date!  I can't wait!!"

And that's why generational friends are awesome.

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