Monday, July 22, 2013

My testimony

I’ve been really forthcoming in sharing my story in person but recently, I had someone ask me to put it in writing.  That’s not as easy as I initially thought it was going to be…

Four years ago I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis after an episode of optic neuritis.  I immediately began (very expensive) medication, changed my diet, changed my attitude, but tried to remain as ‘normal’ as possible.  For the first six months of giving myself an injection every other day, I would bawl.  I was scared of needles, the shots hurt and I would make myself so upset about an hour before having to do one because I just dreaded it so much.  My optic neuritis subsided but I was still exhausted all the time.  Some days it took everything I had just to make it to work and back before collapsing until it was time to get up the next day and do it all over.  I slowly started feeling better.  I lost some weight and was allowing myself to be hopeful because I hadn’t had another flare; maybe this wasn’t a death sentence?  I was still having ‘MS days’ where I would get very tired and my equilibrium would be off but for the most part, I functioned pretty normally.  I got more used to the shots and I gave myself permission to tell people no and to take a nap when I needed one, regardless if there were dishes in the sink.  

In June of 2012, I came to Michigan for the summer like I always do and was introduced to It Works’ “Crazy Wrap Thing” and Greens.  Naturally, I loved how the products made me look (awesome! :-)) but I also noticed how great I felt.  I returned to Tucson in August and immediately went to my massage therapist; I hadn’t seen her since May and I’m used to seeing her monthly for eight years.  Of course she noticed how great I looked but as she was giving me my treatment, she asked me, “What is going on with your inflammation??”  Nervously, I asked her to clarify.  She said, “It’s so reduced!”  “Well,” I said, “I think it’s the Wraps and Greens.  The Wrap reduces inflammation and increases circulation and Greens balances my pH and alkalizes me.”  Her only reply was, “Wow, it’s working.”  (and then she became a distributor because she was so impressed.)

Five months later I went to my bi-annual neurologist appointment.  I always dreaded these, I was convinced that he was going to find something new and pull the rug out from under me.  He never did but I would feel discouraged and depressed because of what he didn’t say (‘You’re cured!)  This time he said the closest thing to it when he asked, “Why am I seeing you so often?” Followed by, “You’re doing great; I don’t think I need to see you more than once a year anymore.” (Of course, then he did the caveat, ‘should anything change, you need to contact me immediately,’ yada yada)  Four months after that, I went to my regular doctor for a check-up, including the usual blood work.  Years past, I was extremely Vitamin D deficient, not uncommon for an undiagnosed MS patient and something that needs to be checked regularly for a diagnosed patient.  I also have to have my liver checked routinely because of my medicine but haven’t had problems (knock on wood).  But for twenty years, the one thing that has always come back ‘at risk’ or worse is my cholesterol.  No matter what I did, it was always flagged for its levels.  This year was the first time since I was 22 years old that my cholesterol was considered normal.  I haven’t done anything new or different other than It Works!

Some people will think that this entry is self-serving, since I am an It Works! distributor.  But those people need to understand that I didn’t become a distributor and then decide it worked for me.  The reason I am an It Works! distributor is because of what it has done for me (and countless other people I have been privileged to help).  If you are remotely thinking of trying it, do it!  You have nothing to lose but so much to gain.